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Making your business or organization accessible, both online and physically, is an ongoing process. Do not think that once you’ve taken a step to be more accessible that you have finished.  Your goal should be to continue to be more inclusive & accessible as you learn more, as needs evolve and as technology changes.

Below are a few quick tips of things that you can easily do to your existing website to make it more accessible:

  1. Add Alternative Tags or “Alt Tags” to all images on your site so that they can easily be read by screen reader
  2. Add closed captioning to any of your videos
  3. Update your online PDFs so that they can be read by screen readers
  4. Avoid or minimize unnecessary blinking & image movement
  5. Add your phone number to the top of the page so that it can be found easily. Also make sure it is clickable.
  6. When considering 3rd party apps, ask about their level of accessibility
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